
Shark's Eye View

Wonder what weird creature this bullshark is looking at....maybe some hitec crayfish ?

Best Time to dive Protea Banks

The best time to dive Protea Banks is without a doubt now. Since mid March we see Tigersharks on every Baited Dive we do. We could actually give a guarantee on this !!! Besides tigers we always have bullsharks and luckily only one or two black tips. We have medium current and clear blue water with 27C Yesterday we even had a Marlin passing the bucket. Bulls were particualrly playful and posed for excellent close-ups. Today we saw 3 bulls, 7 black tips, 18 guitar sharks, 3 scallopped hammerheads, 1 great hammerhead, 2 duskys and 1 eagleray.....what more can one ask for ? And this one was without any bait. Vis 40m + These faerytale conditions should carry on during April, May, June and July.